Role of Physiotherapy in Preventing Falls in Elderly People

Around 7.7% of the total population of India is over the age of 60 years. People in this age group often face a lot of problems due to changes in social norms and activities. Among all these, falls are the most common problem and serious threat to their health. Most of these falls don't result in serious injuries, but they can create the problem of fractures specialky hip, wrist and spine fractures . It can affect the overall confidence and independence of elderly people.


To prevent falls in elderly people, Physiotherapy at home service can be extremely beneficial. An experienced physiotherapist can help people to address the risk of falls, treat injuries, and reduce pain. Along with this, an expert Physical therapist at Physiorevive can evaluate the environment of your home and find risky spots which can lead to severe injuries.


The main goal of the fall prevention program is to focus on the fear of falling by working on some areas that are described below.



It is the crucial element of fall prevention and becomes very effective when combined with balanced exercises. Physiotherapists at PHYSIOREVIVE, Vasant Kunj & Karol bagh, are known for their customized strengthening programs that are designed separately for every individual. The main focus of such a program is to improve your standing balance by providing treatment for special muscle groups. Strengthening programs will also improve your balance & co-ordination while walking and recover you from a loss of balance.



This is one of the important components and a lot of people are not aware of the ways to use it. Physiotherapists at PHYSIOREVIVE will design a suitable exercise plan to challenge your ability to properly maintain the balance of your body. Specific customized exercise Program including single-leg standing and holding your balance will help you to recover from a loss of balance.


     Walking and moving

If you are taking the treatment of Physiotherapy at home, then it is recommended to consult with your Physiotherapist / doctor before starting the walking program. As the poor balance can increase the risk of your fall, your Physio can suggest to you whether it is the right choice or not. In the walking and moving program, you will be asked to perform the below activities -


     Walking in circles

     Moving through an obstacle course

     Simple and small dance steps

     To stabilize your body and strengthen the core abdominal muscles, some physiotherapists often suggest figure 8 exercise.

Also Read: Nutrition Tips That Physical Therapist Suggest


Along with the above mentioned, there could be some other activities such as endurance training, pain management, fear management, and community programs.

Book your Appointment Today !


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