Hip Replacement Surgery and Physiotherapy - Physiorevive


What is Hip Replacement Surgery?

The hip joint is a ball and socket joint and consists of two parts namely the femur and acetabulum. It enables movement in various planes and gives us most of our activities such as walking, climbing, running, cycling. These movements are limited when arthritis develops in the cartilages and hence reduces movement. This reduction gradually turns into a constant problem that completely inhibits an individual’s movement. In such conditions, people feel the need to depend on a stick to disperse their body weight while walking.

Total hip replacement is a wonderful surgery with Best physiotherapist in delhi. It has been in the orthopaedic domain for the last 50-60 years and was one of the first joint surgeries to deliver the highest success rates. In total hip replacement surgery, both the socket and ball part of a joint are replaced. During the initial years of hip replacement, the socket was changed using a cemented cup. However, with time and due to the advancement in medical technology, nowadays cemented cups can be directly impacted into the socket. This further can be supported using a ceramic liner or a plastic liner.

Similarly, for the thigh bone or as we call it the femur bone, either we can use a cemented implant or an uncemented implant. This gets directly embedded into the femur and with time, the affected bone regrows around the implants in the small pores. It leads to very long term durability and stability of the implants. Total hip replacement surgery can be recommended to anyone and everyone, who is suffering from arthritis of hip joints. Normally, patients stay in the hospital for 5-6 days, depending upon the fact that it's a single hip replacement or dual.


How does Physiotherapy help?

Physiotherapy following post hip replacement begins with an assessment of your overall surgery and your lifestyle. Since hip contributes to most of our movements, your physiotherapist may ask you some vital questions related to your lifestyle such as:-

      Do you have stairs at your house entrance or anywhere else in the house?

      Were you using crutches, wheelchairs as walking aids, before you came here for the surgery?

Following these questions, the physio will initiate three major exercises that you need to practice post hip replacement, such as ankle pump, quad sets and glute set. Practising few sets of each will help you restore the normal range of motion.

Note: Physiotherapy after hip surgery is an integral part of the surgery.

Also Read: Physiotherapy and Ankle Dislocation



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