Physiorevive- Physiotherapy and Carpal Tunnel Surgery


What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and its Release?

Carpal tunnel disorder is a constriction of the median nerve of the wrist. It is the most widespread form of nerve entanglement. A Carpal tunnel is a lean path of the wrist, composed of bones and ligaments. The nerve is much like a truck passing through a tunnel and it should be able to pass with ease and without friction. If the tunnel becomes narrow, then the nerve will not be able to pass. The carpal tunnel is defined by scaphoid tubercle and trapezium radially and hooks of hamate and pisiform carpal tunnel are the narrowest at the level of hook of the hamate. The tunnel consists of one nerve and nine flexor tendons. The median nerve runs through the passageway along with the tendons to fingers and thumb. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be classified as follows:-

      Mild carpal tunnel syndrome:- Numbness and tingling at night, no weakness.

      Moderate carpel tunnel syndrome:- Both sensory and motor nerve are affected, patients will have symptoms throughout the day.

      Severe carpal tunnel syndrome:-Sensory, motor and needle findings are affected.


Carpal tunnel release is a surgery employed to deal with carpal tunnel disorder. It’s most likely a congenital misalignment, something that runs in families. The size of the carpal differs in some individuals and hence, they have smaller carpal tunnels. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be caused by wounds, such as a sprain or rupture, or repetitive use of a vibrating device. It's also been linked to conditions such as pregnancy, diabetes, genetics etc.

How does Physiotherapy help?

Physiorevive a physiotherapy clinic in delhi is beneficial for most carpal tunnel syndrome cases from mild to severe. A physiotherapist in case of carpal tunnel surgery will work with you to educate on self-management including activity modification, awareness around aggravating positions, and relative rest. For controlling the movement of the wrist, your physiotherapist would ask you to practice splinting. It can help in keeping the wrist in a neutral position. Also to reduce the pain and swelling, you can use ice packs 3-5 times a day for 10 min each.

Further, exercise can help with sliding and gliding of the median nerve and tendons of the carpal tunnel. It further increases the range of motion of the wrist and firms the muscle control of the hands. This ensures that you have the best movement and strength possible out of your hands.


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